Chiropractic Care for Patients with Neck Pain- Bellmore, New York

Patients who experience minor to severe pain in areas such as muscles and joints will sometimes rely on a chiropractor for relief. Chiropractic care is a treatment option that only involves the physical and manual adjusting of the body and is an alternative to other solutions that would involve the use of medications or even surgery. Those who have been injured and experience the following conditions are said to have relief with chiropractic care:

  • Intervertebral disc injuries

  • Cervical sprains

  • Whiplash

  • Etc.

A common misconstrued myth about chiropractic care is that seeing a chiropractor to treat conditions that ultimately have the symptom of general pain is more expensive than a patient having their pain managed by other means.

According to the Journal of Manipulative and Physical Therapeutics from 2009, appointments with a chiropractor was approximately 20 percent less expensive than if the patient had sought out surgical treatment through that of an orthopedic surgery or from a physical therapist. Generally, people also have the perception of chiropractic care of which is that a person must maintain an extremely frequent schedule to see a chiropractor in order to experience any relief, but this also happens to be a myth. Monetary requirements for treating recurring pain is a very difficult thing to uphold for many people. The assumption that once a patient begins treatment with a chiropractor that they’ll never be able to stop in order to stay pain free is not true. Achieving an individual’s health goal is pertinent to a chiropractor’s care, and they greatly take the individual’s needs into account when developing a personalized treatment plan. Such treatment plans include a set schedule based on a patient’s level of pain and their diagnosed pain source. The doctor puts their patient’s needs first and will stick to the treatment plan which consists of a beginning, middle, and end. It is ultimately up to the patient to choose whether they wish to continue receiving treatment after the original plan of treatment has achieved a pain-free stage.

As a patient experiencing pain, our doctors won’t see your problems as just another case to be treated blindly. Our chiropractors will put you and your health as a top priority by working and discussing possible care plans to best suit the patient’s needs. Every patient is seen as an individual and deserves the most ideal healthcare possible.

At Drobbin Chiropractic, neck pain relief through spinal manipulation is one of the practice’s primary methods to assist patients with getting relief. Even though experiencing pain is common for some specific targeted groups such as age and those with injuries, pain shouldn’t be just tolerated and accepted but should be treated. With an appointment from a chiropractor, the doctor will be able to asset your pain situation and create a care plan that will be specified to the patients, their injuries, and with a pain-free life as the ultimate goal.