Best Chiropractic Clinic in New York

What services they offer:

The Drobbin Chiropractic clinic uses multiple different healing strategies and techniques that are used in assisting clients to achieve their health goals and decrease pain. Such types of care include the following practices…

  • Chiropractic Adjustments

  • Applied Kinesiology

  • Massage Therapy

  • Traction

  • Neuromuscular Reeducation 

  • Nutrition 

  • Exercise

  • And more

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments are when chiropractors use their hands and tools to manipulate a person’s joints, muscles, and bones usually focus around issues with the spine.

Applied Kinesiology

Kinesiology is the manual assessing of not only the physical, structural integrity of a person’s body but it also assesses the chemical and mental health part of an individual’s health with non-invasive procedures.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is utilized when a patient’s pain is focused in joints and muscles that can be physically maneuvered in order to influence the body to release tension causing pain.


When medical traction is used, a chiropractor is able to stretch the patient’s body where the pain is originating from; this is done using tools such as ropes and slings. 

Neuromuscular Re-education

The technique where typical muscle movement is repeatedly activated and used to restore muscle health over time is called neuromuscular re-education.

Nutrition & Exercise

Both monitored nutrition and regular exercise help is assisting the process of expelling toxins from a patient’s body by improving overall health, although doesn’t necessarily reduce pain directly or when used on its own. These chiropractic means of restoring health and assisting in relieving pain are all meant to provide patients with the option of avoiding alternative forms of pain relief such as prescription medications or invasive surgeries. 

What new and recurring clients can expect:

New and recurring patients can both expect certain possible outcomes when being treated with chiropractic care. A complimentary consultation as your first visit with Drobbin Chiropractic is guaranteed and is meant to allow new patients to get the answers directly from a reliable chiropractor that they’ve been searching answers for. Having questions and concerns about financial obligations associated with finding pain-related medical treatment are normal. However, our doctors and staff are dedicated to finding the perfect care plan for you and your individual needs; medically and financially. 

Dr. Drobbin has had his practice open since 1980. The goal for himself and for his clinic is to provide non-surgical, non-invasive treatment to give you the pain relief you’ve been searching for. With many treatment options, we will work with you to make a plan to help you in achieving your optimal health.